NAFDAC Registration Requirements

NAFDAC Approval: Please visit a NAFDAC office to obtain and fill the relevant forms. The process will take you as much as three months and up to six months before you get the certified.


Please note that you are not allowed to produce or sell until your production is approved

NAFDAC Approval is noted to be the most difficult of it all and take much times.
NAFDAC will not approve factories located in
·         Waste dumpsite
·         Toxic dumpsites
·         Cemetery
·         Non demarcated flats in the same building where people are residing
·         Oil pipeline ways
·         Inside open public markets
·         Sewage centers
·         Public park

Ensure that NAFDAC does not condemn your factory during inspection because you will be required to fix anything that is noticed not to be in place and they will keep coming back, which may cost you more at the long run

Other Requirements by NAFDAC
1. Business registration
2. Trademark registration
3.Fumigation of premises
4. Medical certificate of fitness: (for all the staffs)
a. Sputum test
b. Urine test
c. Stool test
d. Chest x-ray
e. Widal test
5. Retainership Agreement with hospital
6.Retainership Agreement with public analyst
7. Company letter head paper
8. Inspection materials:
a. Rubber sandals
b. White overall
c. Head gear
d. Hand glove
e. Nose and mouth protector
f. First aid box (duly equipped)
Please contact us for total package

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